
   We facebook and instagram have be opening, The page will be updated and upload the new school activities time to time.

     Welcome to visit!   關注+點讚 follow+ like      學生活動相片分享 Photos sharing of student activities       

       Facebook:​ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084252364031

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/stmattkg


     新増 中華文化-學生活動影片

      Chinese Culture- Activities for students-New

   精彩片段Highlights of part in the activities


      4月份生日會Birthday Party of April




       Parent-child Picnic Day




       Outdoor activity at the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park




        Parent-child Activity for Mother and Father’s Day




        K2WD-            https://www.facebook.com/100084252364031/videos/971204341332352

        K3WD-            https://www.facebook.com/100084252364031/videos/745026901126276


        Activity for Tuen Ng Festival



    最新活動消息 Latest event news

1.  6 14日(星期五)預備畢業典禮事宜

  14 June 2024 (Friday)Preparation of the Graduation Ceremony

  全校上課時間: 上午9:00  - 中午12:00

   Lessons for all classes will be: 9:00 am -12:00 pm 


2.  615(星期六) 為本校第五十七屆畢業典禮。

    15 June 2024 (Saturday) for the 57th Graduation Ceremony in held on our school.

3.    626(星期三)- 消防安全講座

   26 June 2024 (Wednesday)- Talk for Fire Safety

4.   628(星期五)生日會

   The Birthday Party is on 28 June 2024 (Friday)

5.  7 1(星期) 香港特別行政區成立紀念日假期

      1 July 2024 (Monday) - Public holiday for the HK Special Administrative Region Establishment Day. pear) 

6. 72(星期二) 散學禮,學生須穿整齊校服(恤褲套/)及帶書包回校,學生返放學時間照常。

Speech Day is on 2 July (Tuesday), students wear uniform (shirt set/ dress) and carry their school bag. Arrival and departure times are as usual. 


   7.  735日(星期三至星期五)「聖經 Fun Fun Day親子活動


   內容:詩歌故事分享親子美勞及遊戲, 茶點供應

   On 3-5 July (Wed-Fri) our kindergarten will arrange the Parent-Child Activity-Bible Fun Fun Day.          

      Arrival and departure times are as usual. If parents are unable to attend, the teachers will assist the students in the activities.

       Contents: Carol, Stories, Crafts, Games (Refreshment reception)

8. 74(星期四)幼兒、低班及新生拍攝個人學生証件相

   Individual student photos taking for K1, K2 and New students

9. 7 7日(星期日)為高班畢業感恩崇拜,高班學生必須穿著整齊夏季校服、白短襪、白色鞋

   Thanksgiving Graduation Worship for K3 students will be taken on 7 July 2024 (Sunday). Graduates should wear their regular   

       summer uniform with white socks and white leather shoes.


   8 July (Monday)- Farewell party. Students may wear casual clothes, bring their school bag, cup and food box with them. Arrival and  

      departure times are as usual.



 On 9-11 July (Tue-Thur) our kindergarten will arrange the Adventure of summer travelling activities, including water splash*,  Camping, Barbecue (simulate), Fishing, Reading, Swimsuit show etc.

學生放學時間Departure for students: 照常 Normal

學生當日穿着輕便服裝及運動鞋(必須穿襪子)Please put on casual sportswear and sports shoes (must put on socks)

*參與下水禮的學生,請穿上游泳裝束回校(泳衣、便服、涼鞋),並帶備更換衣物、毛巾、內衣褲、太陽眼鏡、太陽帽等防 曬物品。

    *On the day of water splash activity, please put on swimming suit, casual wear, sandals, and bring towel, underwear, sunglasses, hat to 


12. 712(星期五) 個別家長接見會,請各家長按編定之時間出席,學生不用上課。

    12 July (Friday) for the Individual Parent Meeting, please attend on stipulated time. No lesson for students.


教育局-家長智Net- https://www.parent.edu.hk/

-教育局-運用電子學習模式支援學生在家學習專頁: www.edb.gov.hk/ited/eh

- EDB-Dedicated Webpage on Using e-Learning Modes to Support Students' Home Learning



- EDB- MentalHealth@School: https://mentalhealth.edb.gov.hk/en/index.html

- (影片)家長教育短片系列-健康飲食篇 Video   for Healthy Eating Habits (中英文字幕Chinese and English subtitles)


-   「英文雋語Sayings of Wisdom (SOW)」:https://www.parent.edu.hk/article/sow202223

學好英文有辦法 「協助子女從課業、默書及評估學好英文 - 家長小錦囊」小冊子及 「認識課業、默書及評估的作用」單張https://www.parent.edu.hk/article/learneng


-家長資源Resources for parentshttp://232.stmattkg.com/page114

-家長通訊: 「愛.孩子」 E-Newsletter Kids in Love” E-Newsletter -http://232.stmattkg.com/page145  


衞生署 健康飲食在校園資訊 Department of Health - Information of EatSmart School   

健康飲食在校園 - 主頁 (eatsmart.gov.hk)


